Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Premier Technology Public Company Limited and its subsidiary, Datapro Computer Systems Company Limited (“the Company”) principles for conducting business with integrity by adhering to social responsibility and stakeholders in accordance with the good corporate governance principles. Therefore, it has established policies and guidelines for the company procurement process and for suppliers to use as the practice standard for conducting business with regard for morality, ethics, transparency, non-fraudulent and not causing negative impacts on related stakeholders in compliance with legal requirements and the Group’s Code of Conduct, as well as international standards. It also emphasizes and encourages suppliers to conduct business with transparency, consideration for human rights, fair treatment of workers and compliance with safety, occupational health and environmental standards, as well as strictly monitor the implementation of these policies and guidelines for sustainable mutual success. The guidelines are as follows:
Supplier means product sellers, contractors, sub-contractors, lessors, hire vendors and service providers of Premier Technology Public Co., Ltd.
Business Ethics (Moral and Integrity)
Morality and Ethics
Conduct business on the basis of morality and ethics means not causing any negative impact to related stakeholders on the basis of correctness, integrity, honesty and transparency, having principles to fight corruption in all forms, strictly complying with relevant laws and regulations, and operating according to professional standards
Conflicts of Interest
Employees of suppliers should avoid any clash of self-interest with the interests of Premier Technology Public Co., Ltd. in any actions related to the Company, including with other persons or juristic persons, for the benefit of oneself and/or close relatives
Fair Competition
Operate within the framework of fair competition and do not use dishonest methods to destroy competitors or create unfair competitive advantages.
Information Disclosure
Disclose information accurately, transparently and completely as required by law.
Do not disclose or use any confidential or insider information of Premier Technology Public Co., Ltd. or related parties without consent. Do not use such information to seek benefits for oneself or others wrongfully.
Information System Security
Information and information technology systems are protected and maintained so that they are ready for use at all times, as well as determine control measures that are appropriate to the risks of information, work systems and information technology systems.
Intellectual Property Rights
Respect the intellectual property rights of Premier Technology Public Co., Ltd. and others and be careful not to infringe on such rights.
Social and Environmental Responsibility
Behave as a good citizen to society and take responsibility to use resources appropriately and efficiently.
Human Rights and Labour
– Support and respect the protection of human rights by ensuring that the businesses and employees are not involved in human rights violations,
such as not use forced labour, not harass or intimidate workers in any form and not employ illegal migrant workers, as well as ensuring strict
compliance with labour protection laws.
– Respect and adhere to the international principles of employment in treating all stakeholders with fairness based on human dignity by providing
equal opportunities for all without discrimination and without violating fundamental rights in regards to gender, age, religion, race, region, status,
physical condition and political opinion.
– Set measures to provide protection for employees who report on human rights violations or unequal treatment of employees under which they
will be protected from punishment or harassment or any other acts that will make it unbearable for the informant to continue working.
– All processes of employment termination must comply with labour laws and unfair termination of employment is prohibited.
– Employees shall not be allowed to work for longer than the legal limit and in case there is overtime work, it must be voluntary by the employees.
Holidays and leave days of not less than those prescribed by law must also be provided.
– Wages, overtime pay, holiday pay and any benefits that employees are entitled to receive shall be paid accurately, fairly, not less than those
required by law and in a timely manner.
Safety and Occupational Health
Provide a working environment that is safe, hygienic and conducive to productive work that is in compliance with related laws or regulations, as well as establish control for operating procedures that is safe and the prevention of accidents and potential adverse health impacts from work.
Operate a business that is environmentally friendly, not take any action that causes damage to natural resources and the environment, and maintain and prevent events that impacts on the environment.
Implement or supervise to ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.
Encourage efficient use of resources, establish a policy on the conservation of energy and other resources or introduce the use of technology that helps to conserve energy within the company.
Ensure there is effective management of pollution from operations.
Whistleblowing and Complaint Channel
In the event that the suppliers or stakeholder has questions or sees suspicious acts of violation or non-compliance with the law or policies for suppliers of goods and services, they may raise questions, report clues or lodge complaints at:
Premier Group Policy
Code of Conduct